
Stoning to death for dummies.

This video is great. It makes shariah law in regard to stoning to death very simple to understand. Stoning the guilty party to death is not unusual and happens with alarming frequency in the Islamic world. Iran, the Sudan and Yemen are quite fond of this barbaric treatment of criminals. Note the towards the nd of the video the part that mentions multiple offenses. So if you are sentenced to a lashing and stoning, you get lashed first, and then stoned to death. Charming. There is also a link to the penal code of Iran if you need to see more proof. This video was produced as part of a fourth year exercise by a student from the Bezalel Academy of the Arts in Jerusalem.


Penal code in Iran:


Mission For Establishment Of Human Rights in Iran (MEHR)

Hat tip: Gates of Vienna

2 Comments - Share Yours!:

joe six-pack said...

Stoning people to death has no place in the modern world. A problem is that getting rid of it will cause violence as has been seen in numerous places. Like getting rid of slavery, this idea will be defended with organized violence. And like getting rid of slavery, it is worth fighting to eliminate.

PatriotUSA said...

Stoning people to death is integrated into Islam and shariah law. Islamoapologists try to tell us, sell us on the concept that it is only the radicals of Islam that are the ones that use this. This may be so but only to the point of one taking a look a so called 'modetrate' islamic states like Turkey, Jordan etc.. Honor killings are rife throughout the Islamic world because of shariah law. To eliminate stonings, honor killings it will required that Islam be stopped at all costs. One cannot separate shariah from Islam.
You mention slavery. Good example. the only place this still exists is in the Islamic world. Your comment is an excellent of what is wrong with the entire ideology of Islam.