
Obama's outreaching to Islamic world of terrorists, oops, I meant to say Islamic 'moderates.

In his desperation to strike a victory in the foreign policy arena, especially the 'beloved' Muslim world, Obama will talk to any Islamic/Muslim groups. Even those so called 'moderate'groups like Hamas, Hizbollah, Muslim Brotherhood, MSA, MPAC, and even the Taliban. Al-Qaeda should not be too far removed from the list of appropriate moderate Islamic groups Obama is willing to enage. Pretty damn sad to watch and it so reminds of the days of Jimmy the dhimmi Carter and how he capitulated to the Islamoterrorists in 1979. Way to go, mullah Obamaham!

Obama Administration Now Considers Practically All Islamists Except for Al Qaeda as OK for Engagement

Confidential Reporter

China Confidential

The Obama administration is targeting Iran's Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) for sanctions, singling out the elite and increasingly powerful military force as the main culprit behind the Islamist nation's nuclear program.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has even called on the Islamist clerics to rise up against the IRGC, praising pillars of the so-called Islamic Republic.

Incredibly, engagement of the monstrous mullahocracy--minus the IRGC--is still official U.S. policy.

So is engagement with supposedly moderate--"reconcilable"--elements of the Taliban, even while Washington scores impressive gains against the dreaded Islamist group, which is aligned with Al Qaeda.

Hamas and Hezbollah? Engagement is clearly on the table with "moderate" factions of these Islamist Foreign Terrorist Organizations.

Chinese and Russian Islamist separatists? No apparent reason they should not be engaged in the eyes of the Obama administration.

Also welcome, it seems: the Muslim Brotherhood, fountainhead of fascistic political Islam (Islamism) and a myriad of Muslim Brotherhood front groups.

The only Islamist organization that is clearly not acceptable by the administration for engagement is Al Qaeda itself--for now. In time, proponents of engagement are almost certain to discover reconcilable wings, or factions, or elements of the terrorist network. When that dreadful day comes, only the original Al Qaeda, or hard core Qaeda, or whatever the term will be for these Islamist terrorists--also known as "violent extremists"--will be banned from engagement.

China Confidential

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