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Islamic Child Sexual Abuse: Muslim Pedophilia
Unlike most other religions, Islam doesn't have ethical standards or moral codes. There is no equivalent of the Ten Commandments or Eightfold Path. Nor does the individual's conscience count for anything. In fact, Islam works in a diabolical fashion to destroy conscience.
The sole arbiter of what is right or wrong is Mohammed's confused and contradictory ravings in the Koran, and the example he set by his predatory behavior.
The Perfect Pedophile
Muslims worship Mohammad as 'The Perfect Man'. If Mohammad did something then it's OK, in fact it's obligatory for Muslims to follow his example.
But unfortunately for millions of children throughout history, who have been born into Islam or fallen into the clutches of the Mohammedans, the 'prophet' Mohammad was a particularly warped and repulsive pedophile.
He acquired his sex-slave Aisha (var. sp. Ayesha) when she was six and he was fifty-something, much against her father's will.
However Allah said it was OK, so Aisha was dragged away from her dolls and handed over to Mohammed. As she was too young for Mohammed to penetrate, he climaxed by rubbing himself between her thighs without actually entering her body. This practice is known as Mufa' Khathat or 'thighing', and is practised in Muslim families to the present day.
Women as chattels.
In Islam women and children are chattels. Every woman must have an owner, and a virgin can bring a good price when sold in marriage. [In Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine]. This has a number of unfortunate and disgusting consequences.
- Incest
Since the sale of a girl involves a substantial cash transfer, it's better if the money flow can remain within the family. Consequently, incestuous marriages proliferate, with girls being sold to older cousins and uncles. This leads to a much greater incidence of birth defects.
- Sex starved young men
Women are kept in purdah, and must be accompanied by a male relative whenever they leave the house. Wealthy older men acquire the youngest brides (often young cousins), with polygamy ensuring that young women are always in short supply for impoverished young men. In traditional Muslims societies, by the time the average Muslim male has reached adolescence all the girls have been sold to old lechers. This gives the Muslim males four choices...
(1) Stay faithful to Mrs Hand and her five daughters. However masturbation is a sin, so it's preferable to...
(2) Die while killing infidels so you get into Allah's brothel in the sky and have eternal sex with 72 virgins
(3) Rape anything that's available- usually Kafir girls (Raping a Kafir woman or girl isn't a sin - they're uncovered meat and asking for it)
(4) Go for young boys. Although homosexuality between grown men is a sin, it's OK to enjoy a boy provided he's still beardless ('Bacha bereesh' - pre-pubescent boys are classed as females.)
Depths of depravity towards Christians
The combination of their primitive, tribal 'religion', their brainwashed hatred of infidels, and the example of their loathsome 'prophet' means that there are no depths of depravity to which they will not sink when molesting infidel children, as the last two examples below illustrate...
Muslim pedophile gangs prey on British Children
"Of course you find pedophiles and rapists in all communities, but these are nearly always loners operating in secret, because pedophiles are despised and hated by normal people.
However Islam is different. Pedophilia is socially acceptable in Islam because 'the perfect man' Mohammed was a pedophile. In addition, pedophile attacks on 'kuffar' (non-Muslim) children are seen as a legitimate form of jihad, inflicting humiliation and demoralisation on the children and their parents.
The Islamic invasion of the West is one huge razzia (raid of rape and pillage) and Western children are war booty. Pedophila is widespread in Muslim communities, with Christian children being the main targets. The pedophiles operate in well-organised gangs and networks. They are protected and encouraged by their wider communities and enjoy immunity from prosecution so as not to damage 'Community Cohesion' - more
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