
Here is Planned Parenthood's answer to the Tebow commercial. President 'baby killer' Obama has approved this message.

Al Joyner and Sean James take on their roles with such smug humbleness about pro choice, I mean baby killing agenda they try to make sound so clean, pure and pretty. Many of us were just waiting for this type of ad to show up. Well, we were not disappointed at all. Makes the Tebow spot look much better. It is a fact that the majority of Americans are against
abortion. It is that plain and simple to understand. Abortion murders babies and aborts fetuses.


Planned Parenthood Strikes Back at Tebow Ad with Pro-Abortion Video
Carolyn Plocher

Planned Parenthood has just released a video in response to the upcoming Super Bowl ad featuring the pro-life birth story of college football star Tim Tebow.

The pro-abortion group's ad includes Olympic gold medalist Al Joyner and former NFL football player Sean James promoting what they call "respect for women's choices."

James said in the ad that he "respects and honors Mrs. Tebow's decision" but every woman's decision must be "valued ... trusted and respected."

"My mom showed me that women are strong and wise," James continued. "She taught me that only women can make the best decisions about their health and their future."

Joyner states, "My daughter will always be my little girl. But I am proud everyday as I watch her grow up to be her own person, a smart, confident young woman. I trust her to take care of herself."

"We celebrate families by supporting our mothers, by supporting our daughters. By trusting women," Joyner concluded.

The video ends with the logo of Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider.

In a press release accompanying the video, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards again struck at the Tebow's pro-life Super Bowl ad and its sponsor. Richards called Focus on the Family, the organization paying for the ad, "outside the mainstream of American life" with an "extreme position."

Despite Richard's assertions, Focus on the Family is far from "extreme," since the latest polls show that most Americans oppose abortion.


1 Comments - Share Yours!:

Ron Russell said...

This is not surprising coming from Planned Parenthood. Theirs is a call for death and not life. There is simply no way to justify their position. It looks as though the Tebow commerical will be shown and that is great!