
Time for our politicians to take a stand on illlegal immigration: H.R. 1206

H.R. 1206 is an important bill. It will show the people of this country
who is serious about drawing a line in the sand, and then doing some
serious stuff to stop illegal immigration. We need to stop it for good
and at the very least, this bill is a start. Write, call email, fax your
representatives and let them know we are sick and tired of liberal
diversity, multiculturalism and allowing the laws of this country to
be broken by the flood of illegals. Businesses who knowingly
hire these law breakers should be punished right along with the
illegals they hire.

The Chaffetz/Kratovil bill takes away the wiggle room. First, it says Congress should not "legalize, grant amnesty for, or confere any other legal status condoning the otherwise unlawful entry or presence in the United States of any individual." And then to make it even more clear what the signer thinks should happen to illegal aliens, it calls for mandatory use of E-Verify by every employer for every employee so that none of the illegal aliens can keep their jobs and support themselves in this country.

Friends, this resolution is a promise with teeth. We will soon find out which Members of Congress were faking it the last few years in promising us that they wouldn't vote for an amnesty.

Hat tip: Blogs for Borders

Tags: Illegal Aliens, illegal immigration., Rep. Gutierrez, democrat, Illinois, pro-amnesty bill To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

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