
Tea party patriots are Neo Nazis? Yes, according to Al-Jazeera.

I am a Neo Nazi? This is embarrassing and puts me in an
uncomfortable posiiton. As a Jewish guy who gave his life
to Lord over 25 years ago, lost many, many relatives in the
Holocuast, what a strange twist. Many of my family were
Lithuanian freedom fighters fighting against the Nazis during WWII.
Glad the Muslim rag, Al-Jazeera has cleared this up for me. What
a relief. Stupid jerks.

Basically it comes down to the fact that anyone who disagrees
wtih the first Muslim president in U.S. history is a Neo Nazi.
That sure makes for alot of Neo Nazis who are part of the historic
tea party'revolution.' I am sure they will be relieved after so many
years of 'confusion.'

The People and Power video, hosted by Barbara Serra and airing on Al Jazeera English, opens by stating it’s premise: “America’s neo-nazis in Obama’s first year.” This expose will confidently claim that if you oppose Obama you are a neo-nazi.

Ms. Serra, looking calm and professional, like a “real journalist,” explains that Obama’s inauguration was supposed to be America’s turning point. As a nation we were finally healing the centuries of black oppression. How this was to be achieved by a far left ideologue is never explained. Why previous white presidents, who were not racists, couldn’t heal the divide is never explained. What is clearly explained is that anyone not buying Obama’s far left vision is a dangerous neo-nazi. And the route to this conclusion is swift, unsubtle and ham-handed. When you’re rushing to the money shot, stuff like logic and reason are just unnecessary annoyances.

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Hat tip: Big Fur hat

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