
Nonie Darwish: Obama's Bow to the Saudi King was just the beginning

This is a an excellent, yet extremely disturbing opinion by Nonie Darwish
on the door Obama has opened for Islam by bringing the KSM trial to the
United States. Ms. Darwish is spot on here. There is no sweeping this under
the rug, no making it out as opportunity to show the bad side of Islam as the
Obama administration is 'hoping' this trial will do. Islam will gain the
sympathy of many Americans who have been brainwashed by MSM
propaganda and years of attacks on various American institutions such as our
education system. The damages wrought by the toxic stew of honoring
diversity, multiculturalism and political correctness will be on stage for all
Americans to witness. The question is will they recognize this for what it
really is? How much Islamic poisoning of the well can America take?

"Knowingly or unknowingly, Obama has given a great gift for the New Year to the custodian of Islam, King Abdullah; a self-imposed trial by the victim nation of 9/11, a free televised propaganda machine from ground zero, to rescue mainstream Islam’s reputation. Protecting the image of Islam is one of the basic duties of Muslim leaders and the utmost obligation of every Muslim who is obliged by Islamic law to lie, cheat and kill for its sake. "

Obama, the very worst President at the very worst time. Here is a former
Muslim,  Nonie Darwish on the 911 NYC terror trials. Bear in mind that today.
a federal judge has tossed out most of the government's evidence
against a terrorism detainee.

Obama’s New Year Gift To The Saudi King
Nonie Darwish for Atlas Shrugs

"This trial will create unnecessary sympathy among the many uninformed Western citizens to Islamist fictitious ‘causes’ and finger-pointing Muslims have been taught and believed in since birth. Like the OJ Simpson trial, a good portion of Americans will be confused over glaring truths which will cause a huge set back to America’s war on terror.

Knowingly or unknowingly, Obama has given a great gift for the New Year to the custodian of Islam, King Abdullah; a self-imposed trial by the victim nation of 9/11, a free televised propaganda machine from ground zero, to rescue mainstream Islam’s reputation. Protecting the image of Islam is one of the basic duties of Muslim leaders and the utmost obligation of every Muslim who is obliged by Islamic law to lie, cheat and kill for its sake.

By holding such a trial in New York, America, intentionally or unintentionally, will be contributing to reforming Islam’s image, supporting its old ways of doing business and suppressing the brave reformation movements across the Muslim world, a true New Year’s gift to King Abdullah."

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Gary Fouse said...

I had the pleasure of meeting Nonie Darwish last months when she spoke to a local group. She severely criticized Obama and his adminstration and referred to departments that have officials who look favorably upon shariah law. (DOJ, DHS, White House). When Nonie speaks, everybody should listen.