
From Norway: A Muslim CONVERT spells out how Islam and Muslims will win.

There are 15 parts to this Muslim manifesto and they have danger
written through them all. I will not say much about this manifesto
except that it is a manifesto for stealth jihad and taqiya. Islam is
using these concepts all over the world. These will lead to a slow,
painful death where freedom of speech is taken away from the
individual. A shariah state will gradually emerge and Islam will
become the dominate ideology, ruling with an iron fist.

Gates of Vienna.

This is from Norway and was translated by kepiblanc. Here is the Norwegian
news source Aftenposten, where this was published.

The author is one Trond Ali Lindstad, a converted doctor, born 1942. Originally a communist, he abandoned that ideology and converted to Islam. He founded an Islamic school in Oslo and became its headmaster. The school was shut down by the authorities after an investigation.

I have left in the emphasis added by Baron or kepiblanc as it highlights the areas of concern.

Muslim Manifesto

by Trond Ali Lindstad

1. Norwegian Muslims need to know how to react towards daily life and greater issues. The following is a Muslim Manifesto for Norway.

2. “The good land readily produces its plants by the leave of its Lord, while the bad land barely produces anything useful.” (Quran 7:58) Muslims must be the good land, and shall be known by their actions.

3. God is the supreme authority. In fact the only authority. No Muslims bow to other than Him.

4. In this country executive power belongs to Norwegian authorities. Muslims must respect this. The authorities make the law and the citizens must comply. But the state is secular. And some law-enforcing persons might be as well. Muslims shall not subordinate themselves to ideas and norms, be it from the state or others, if they are not in compliance with Islam.

5. Norway is a welfare state. It strives to give social and economic welfare to the citizens. That’s a good thing and must not be abused.

6. Muslims might occasionally find themselves in opposition to the state. That’s not unfair. With its secular ideology the state suppresses the Muslims in order to impose its values upon the Muslims. The state demands sovereign executive power, be it in values and minds. And it expects compliance from the Muslims.

7. Norway is at war, directly and indirectly. Today a silent war is waged against the peoples of Gaza. Its main actor is the USA. But Norwegian authorities participate together with Israel in starving the peoples of Gaza.

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