The "Free Gaza" movement simply demands that Israel opens it borders without giving Israel anything in return. Notice that is how it always works for the so called Palestinians, The people who really have zero claim to the lands they want to steal from the Israelis. Clarice Feldman writes for American Thinker and I have come to respect her writing and opinions. This article is no different and I am pleased to offer it up here for you to read. The only ones to lose possibly everything here is Israel and the Jews. They are not suffering in gazastan from Israeli oppression. They suffer in gazastan because of Hamas and Hezbollah. They are the ones making life miserable for the average resident of gazastan by just being there.
by Clarice Feldman, American Thinker: The entire "Free Gaza" movement is a Hamas propaganda project that allows it to demand that Israel open its borders, without actually using the P word, for peace, since Hamas doesn't even believe in phony peace negotiations. So Pro-Hamas activists, whether it's former Saddam supporter, George Galloway's Viva Palestina or their American flavors talk only about "The People of Gaza", deemphasize Hamas and emphasize the supposed "suffering" within Gaza.
Canada Free Press has a list of CAIR supported congressmen who are fans of Hamas. They are all Democrats. But what Congressman Keith Ellison accomplished was to convince 53 other Democratic congressmen to join him in this venture. It is not particularly surprising to find the House's most radical anti-Israel voices signing their names onto Ellison's letter. . . .
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