
The Swiss knew what they were voting for: Their Freedom!

No to minarets and Islam!

Problems with Muslims worshipping spills out into the streets of Paris.
A letter was written to the President of France. The writers were not
willing to sign their names for fear of retaliation against them as they
live in the neighborhood. This is a small incident you say. Should be
easily resolved, perhaps? Unfortunately, with Islam and Muslims there
is seldom a solution that will please both parties. The ONLY accord
agreeable to the Muslims would be their way, Islam's way. That way
has been paved with violence and death since the inception of Islam
in the 7th century. Remember all those riots in France and other
countries over cartoons and other 'insults' to Islam?

Thanks to fousesquawk

The above article describes how a group of residents in Paris' 18th arrondissement (city district) has written to French President Nicholas Sarkozy to complain about Friday prayers at a local mosque that spill out onto the sidewalk outside (video above).

Here is the letter, both in French and English:

L’appel au secours des habitants du 18ème arrondissement de Paris à M. Nicolas Sarkozy

Monsieur le Président,

Ceci est l’appel au secours des citoyens du 18ème arrondissement. Depuis des années tous les Vendredis certaines de nos rues sont occupées par des intégristes venus de toute la Région Parisienne pour pratiquer leurs activités cultuelles.

Les trottoirs sur des centaines de mètres sont réquisitionnés, mettant gravement en danger les piétons qui sont alors obligés de marcher sur la chaussée, dans la circulation pour contourner les « prieurs ».

Des rues entières sont barrées avec des voitures et des barrières de sécurité et interdites à la circulation, empêchant les habitants du quartier de sortir ou de rentrer chez eux, les commerçants de travailler, les citoyens ordinaires de circuler librement.

Toute protestation ou même simple tentative de pénétrer dans les zones occupées par ces intégristes entraîne pour toute personne qui s’y risquerait, insultes, menaces et agression et depuis longtemps plus personne n’ose protester tellement la peur est installée dans notre quartier.

Ne sommes-nous plus dans une République laïque? L’occupation de la voie publique sans autorisation pour des activités cultuelles n’est il pas un trouble à l’ordre public? Empêcher la libre circulation des citoyens sur la voie publique par la menace ou tout autre moyen est-il normal dans notre ville? Pourquoi n’avons-nous plus le droit de rentrer ou sortir de chez nous? Pourquoi devons-nous vivre dans un climat de peur?

M. Delanöe Maire de Paris connaît parfaitement notre situation, ainsi que M. Vaillant Maire du 18ème et M. Gaudin Préfet de Police, tous ont abandonné nos rues aux intégristes islamistes, ils ont abandonné les citoyens qui ne peuvent même plus marcher dans leur ville parce que certaines zones sont interdites aux non musulmans à l’heure de la prière.

Monsieur le Président, vous avez affirmé qu’en France il n’y avait pas de « zone de non-droit » alors comment appelez-vous des quartiers où les milices intégristes ferment les rues pour leur usage privé depuis des années sans que la Police n’intervienne pour rétablir l’Ordre Public?

Monsieur le Président, ne nous abandonnez pas vous aussi, faites cesser l’occupation de nos rues par les intégristes.

Les habitants du 18ème arrondissement de Paris.

Nous ne pouvons signer ce document par peur pour nos vies et celle de nos familles.

"Mr President

This is an appeal for help from the citizens of the 18th arrondissement. For several years now, certain of our streets have been occupied by fundamentalists who come from all over the Parisian region to practice their cult activities.

The pavements for hundreds of metres are taken over, putting pedestrians in grave danger as they are obliged to walk in the street to get past the people “praying”.

Entire streets are roped off with cars and security barriers and no entry signs, preventing the inhabitants of the area from going out or returning to their homes, the shopkeepers from working, ordinary citizens from circulating normally.

Every protest or even a simple attempt to penetrate into the zones occupied by these fundamentalists risks being met by insults, threats and aggression and for some time now no one dares to protest, such is the fear installed in our area.

Are we no longer a secular Republic? Isn’t occupation of the public highway by unauthorized cultural activities a public order offence? Is preventing the free circulation of citizens in public areas, by means of threats or other means, normal in our city? Why do we no longer have the right to enter or leave our homes? Why do we have to live in a climate of fear?

Mr. Delanöe, the Mayor of Paris, knows perfectly about our situation, as does Mr. Vaillant Mayor of the 18ème et Mr. Gaudin Préfet de Police. All of them have abandoned our streets to Islamic fundamentalists, they have abandoned their citizens who can no longer walk around their city because certain areas are out of bounds to non-muslims during prayer times.

Mr President, you have affirmed that in France there are no No-Go zones. So what would you call these areas or the militant fundamentalists who shut roads for their exclusive private use for a number of years now without the police intervening to re-establish public order?

Mr. President. Do not abandon us also. Stop this occupation of our streets by fundamentalists.

The inhabitants of the 18ème area of Paris.

We are not able to sign this document for fear of our lives and those of our families."


4 Comments - Share Yours!:

Findalis said...

If the French had not given up their guns, and started on the course of multiculturalism, then the Muslims would be scared s--tless to even look crossly at them.

PatriotUSA said...

Indeed. I call Multiculuturalism
and Diversity the twin toxic
stews that are poisoning so many
countries, including our own.

What we do have is our
Constitution, for now. If the
Mullah Obamaham gets his way
Creeping Shariah will become
like one of the plagues that
the Lord set upon the
Egyptians. It will come to
all out war at some point.

France and England and snapshots
of our future if we do not handle
Islam very soon.

Anonymous said...

I feel conflicted. I am against the spreed of Islam in Europe. However, I also do not like government meddling in religion

PatriotUSA said...

I understand your reservation about
Gov't intursion into religion.
Islam is an ideology as much if not
more than it is a religion.
At least that is how I
see it. There are times a Gov't MUST take steps to protect it's citizens and it's very existence. The Swiss have taken a step in saying no to Islam. The fight against Islam in Europe must
start somewhere. This is a fight
that must take place as Islam
will never stop it's march for
global domination and conquest
unless it is defeated once and
for all. Islam is poisonous to
the tenets of individual thought and freedom. It is death to the soul, commands complete and total
submission to it and Shariah law.

Remember, What happens in Europe
with Islam CAN and is happening
here. Keep your powder dry is all
I can say.