
Oblabbermouth, Gotta like this one. From China Confiedntial.

Going to let the video speak for itself,
and all the half truths, lies the
liar and thief from the White House
spells out in his 'speech' at the GW
liars and cheaters conference in

Now here is what China Confidential thinks about the above video!

Oblabbermouth in Copenhagen: Pure Baloney

Oblabbermouth in Copenhagen:.  Sheer nonsense. Pure baloney. Lies and misrepresentations. Green energy jobs are not being created. Nor will they be created. Inefficient wind and solar farms simply can't create many jobs. Ethanol and biodiesel are cruel jokes. Except for relatively limited biomass applications--burning wood pellets for residential space heating or co-firing coal and torrefied wood chips or pellets in power plants, for example--there are no viable alternatives to oil and gas and coal. More than half of America's electricity is generated by burning coal. Nuclear power is terribly expensive and unwanted by communities fearful of the downside risk from accidents or terrorist attacks. Drilling for domestic oil, squeezing new oil from old oil fields, building new oil refineries, extending the natural gas pipeline ... these activities can create thousands of well-paying, permanent jobs while making the United States economically stronger and more secure. But Oblabbermouth and the global warming--"climate change"--fear mongers are chocking off the energy supply in order to crush the middle classes, depopulate rural America, line the pockets of Wall Street bankers eager to sell hot air--i.e. carbon credits--and transfer wealth to the Third World.

China Confidential

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