
Iranian military coming to support the Iranians revolting against the regime of mullahs?

Here is about the latest update I can find.
I am sure more are out there but I am tired.
Between Patriot's Corner and filling out
employment applications, I am beat. If
posts are a but thin, the above reason(s)
are why. I have numerous applications to
be completed well before the closing date.

Day 188 Iran Revolution: "Listen, beat and tear them apart, break their legs, god would like that" "There are 8 to 10 old ladies there, beat them up and clean them up"

From Atlas Shrugs

And beat them they did

It bears noting that Obama was too late to this party. Once again, he miscalculates and fumbles. It's difficult to fathom the lost opportunity presented here. The bloodthirsty power-mad mullahs could not get their demonic paws on nuclear weapons (word is they were developing a hydrogen bomb as well). We could have been the white knight. We are in the Middle East. We could have provided the people's movement with support and arms and taken out Iran's nukes.

Instead, Obama stood by and watched people being slaughtered while he gave his limp-wristed but tacit support to Ahmadinejad, giving his goose stepping nazis carte blanche to murder with impunity.

We should have a horse in this race. We should be backing the good guys. There is no telling what killer will grab hold of the reins now.

Iranian military moves to support "People's Revolution"

In 24 hours, what has been labeled “street protesting” for new presidential elections has morphed into an earnest and violent revolution to overthrow the Muslim mullahs who rule Iran.

It is difficult to verify, but factions in the Iranian military may be breaking rank to join the people’s cause. A group calling itself the National Iranian Armed Resistance Forces (NIRU) posted a news release on an Iranian protest website at the end of the day’s violence.

We, a number of Officers, Soldiers and personnel of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran, hereby declare our readiness for rise to the armed defense of our nation against the forces of the criminal, illegitimate, transgressing and occupying current Government of Iran, and hereby inform our brothers and sisters serving with the armed security forces of Iran, invite them to join us, request their support and ask them to provide cover for us in this moral & national act. A special request for support & cooperation goes to our brothers of the Military Police.

The NIRU says it intends to secure Iranian radio and television stations, the Parliament,and the courts, will hold local elections and referendums within 3 months and new presidential elections within 9 months, will dissolve the murderous “Basij” plainclothes police and establish a new national police force.

Protection and firepower from even a few factions of the military could signal a critical momentum change for the Iranian people, who by law cannot own weapons.

Atlas Shrugs

2 Comments - Share Yours!:

Ron Russell said...

Seems like the New Iranian Revolution is gaining strength. We can hope and give moral support, but that bastard in the White House will do little.
I just liked to you at Obama Cartoons and you were already linked at TOTUS. Thanks for adding Obama Cartoons to your links. I don't promote that site much---its just fun for me to check all the cartoons from around the net that poke fun at Barack Himself Obama!

PatriotUSA said...

Hi Ron,
Glad to do the links and I enjoy
the Obama cartoon site a few
times a week. NO the liar and
thief in the White House will
do nothing to put his imaginary
warm and fuzzy feelings with the
current Iranian totalitarian
regime at risk. Appreciate
any linkage anytime. Thanks
for stopping in!