
In Memory of Roger Gardner of Radarsite

Roger Gardner of Radarsite passed
away last Thursday, December 17th.
I was just informed earlier today.
This is in his memory and honor.
Roger wrote with a passion, love of
God and country like very few that I
have had the chance to know. I never
met Roger but he was always very kind
to me and was instrumental in pushing
me to start my blog. I encourage all of
you to visit Radarsite and read some of his
writings. You will be changed, and it will
be for the better.

  Roger Gardner
Thanks to Findalis of Monkey in the Middle for this picture.

For Roger Gardner
From Thomas Jefferson:

"Can the liberties of a nation be secure
when we have removed the conviction
that these liberties are the gift from God?
I tremble for my country when I reflect
 that God is just, and that his justice
cannot sleep forever." 

The above quote comes from the book:
"The Rewriting of America's History" by
Catherine Millard. Page 108.
Published 1991
Christian Publications Inc.

Rest in peace, Roger.
He has called you home.

This will be my last post for today,
 the 21st of December. Will be
back very soon, later this week.

5 Comments - Share Yours!:

Findalis said...

Roger encouraged many of us to speak out. While his voice here on Earth is now silent, I do believe he guides us from a better place.

Maggie Thornton said...

Thank you for this. I am cross-posting it at Radarsite right now. Roger would so proud of his friends memories and their confidence in his writing.

PatriotUSA said...

Thank you and the very least I
can do for such a wonderful man.
You mention cinfidence in Roger's
writings, that confidence flowed
from him and I think we know the
true source of his strength,
courage and wisdom. Roger is sitting next to the right hand of of that source right now, Our God,
G_d,Father in Heaven, Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Findalis said...

Actually I think Roger is having a couple of weeks to party, chat with some early Romans (He was a self-taught historian.), criticize FDR, Truman, JFK, and LBJ to their faces. Shake hands with Reagan (and probably have a beer or two with him), have long chats with Golda Meir, Rabin, Begin, and Moshe Dayan. Then get started on his new blog: HEAVENSITE.

Can any of us picture Roger without a blog to write?

PatriotUSA said...

Yes, I can certainly picture that.
Longs chats with some of the greatest people of history. Always
need to have a beer or two when
discussing such weighty things.
I am having one right now.

I have often given long thoughts
to who I might argue with once I
am home. My wife tells me I will
argue with a tree stump it is
stubborn enough.

Roger without a blog to write?
Nope, I cannot imagine that one.