
Would the United States/Obama veto this vote should it happen at the U.N.?

I do not think the Obama
administration could be counted
on to veto a vote for a Palestinian
state. With the people Obama has
appointed to the United Nations of
Islam, the State Department, and
the way Obama is pushing for the
acceptance and 'understanding of
Islam' here at home I see NO reason
to trust our vote at the U.N.on
Palestinian Statehood. Maybe we
should offer to remake Gazastan
into a parking lot and stop tossing
money at the people and ideology
that just wants to kill us if we do
not convert. With Israel, at least
we have an ally and State that will
back us up should war break out.
I have very serious doubts that the
Obama admisnistration would
come to Israel's aid, or waffle
about it until it might too late.

Exclusive:The Secret Palestinian Plan « Liveshots
From Fox News

Exclusive:The Secret Palestinian Plan

November 14, 2009 - 12:47 PM
by: Reena Ninan

A senior Palestinian official tells Fox News in the next few weeks the Palestinian Authority is planning to call for Palestinian statehood through a UN resolution-- a similar maneuver to that by which Israel was created.

Both Palestinians and some Israelis believe that there is growing support in the international community for such a measure.

Asked to comment on the plan, an American official said that such a UN resolution, while not a cure-all, could be expanded upon eventually. Still, he added: "It's a measure that would make you feel good for five minutes. Then what?"

Palestinian officials predict the US would veto a UN resolution. If the resolution fails, senior Palestinian officials are considering completely dissolving the Palestinian Authority. That would leave the burden of running the West Bank to Israel--a policy that the Israeli government would be fearful of.

US tax payers pay $3 billion to aid Israel a year. If Palestinians hand the keys over to the Israelis more money will likely be needed to facilitate the occupation. The senior Palestinian official added once the Palestinian Authority is dismantled, Palestinians will push for a 'one state solution'-- ultimately making Israel no longer a Jewish state.

The 'new" Palestinain state.
Looks great and what a view!

Tags: Arab-Israeli History, Palestinian Statehood, United Nations, United States To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

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