
This is who we WASTE billions in aid on, send weapons to. Disgusting.

China Confidential: "Jerusalem Arabs Praise Fort Hood Shooter

China Confidential sources in East Jerusalem say many residents of the predominantly Arab section are expressing strong support for the Muslim U.S. Army major who mowed down his fellow soldiers at the huge Fort Hood, Texas base and processing center for troops bound for Afghanistan and Iraq.

The word on the so-called Arab street is that Major Nidal Malik Hasan should be admired because he stood up for fellow Muslims overseas, against U.S. 'aggression,' and that his anger, disappointment, and presumed sense of betrayal over U.S. President Barack Obama's failure to end the Afghan and Iraq conflicts is understandable, especially in light of Obama's own Muslim heritage.

In Hamas-ruled Gaza, sources say, the reaction is overwhelmingly in support of the shooter. He would clearly be given a hero's welcome there."


2 Comments - Share Yours!:

Findalis said...

Why doesn't this surprise me? After all they cheered on 9/11.

PatriotUSA said...

Maybe we should start handing out candy and having a party every time
a mussie terrorist is killed,
but then we would be lowering ourselves to their level.
Islam, the only ideology
that constantly sets the
bar lower and lower.