
An open letter to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. From Voice In The Wilderness.

From Voice in the Wilderness.
This will be my last post for today
and tomorrow. I will be taking the day
off to be with family. Hope you like
this from RJ Moeller! Here is a teaser
from the the article.

Hope you all have a very grand

A Huge thanks to all the troops who are
fighting to keep us free. Remember,

An Open Letter Teaching Liberal Democrats How to be Thankful (even in a world with Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, and Dick Cheney still living in it)

by:R.J. Moeller

Dear Madame Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid,

First of all, let me say right off the bat that I am a huge fan of you both. For the sake of full disclosure though I must admit that last year at this time, I was dismayed and disheartened at the prospects of your Party having further solidified its control of my Congress. While I should have known better than to worry about your capabilities (or lack thereof), it has been a not-so-pleasant “surprise” to watch each of you run your respective houses of government into the proverbial ground.

Therefore, I wanted to begin this potentially friendly letter by thanking you both for exhibiting the lack-of-courageous-leadership required to land your approval ratings in the “teens” (the lowest ever recorded and almost exactly half of what President Bush’s were when he left office). Both you Mrs. Pelosi in the House, and you Mr. Reid in the Senate, are that rare blend of political leader who can combine support for wildly unpopular pieces of legislation with an utter indifference to corruption, and still shows up to any and every press conference ready to deflect all pertinent questions with an other-worldly, Botox-induced “smile.”

The only thing he has given the American people!

You can read the rest by following the
link here:

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