
Michelle Malkin : Blind Diversity Equals Death - Townhall.com

Michelle Malkin : Blind Diversity Equals Death - Townhall.com

No mincing of words here in this
opinion from Ms. Malkin. Read the
entire article and how many warning
signs does Washington, the FBI and
the Military need? I have often mentioned
how the toxic stews of diversity and
multiculturalism have been partially to
blame for allowing such tragedies as
Fort Hood to happen. How did we get
"Next week, Attorney General Eric Holder
will speak at a banquet featuring the
Council on American-Islamic Relations,
an unindicted co-conspirator in the terrorism
financing case against the Holy Land
Foundation for Relief and Development."

How much more evidence do we need? http://townhall.com/columnists/MichelleMalkin/2009/11/11/blind_diversity_equals_death
Tags: CAIR, Islam Inside America, Islamic Jihad, Islamic Subversion in America To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

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