
Internet Jihad. Any doubters left out there? This is for real.

A Web of Lone Wolves Foreign Policy

From Foreign Policy; Evan Kohlman

This will not get alot of
traction in the MSM or from
the Obama administration.
How do we stop this internet
Jihad? Can we stop this from
happening again? I would like
to think so but the reality of
today was changed on 9/11/2001.

Here is an introduction to the

"But to my surprise, this motley crew of would-be homegrown killers turned out to be much more sophisticated than I had initially given them credit for. Aside from having an unsettling interest in acquiring assault rifles, these young men had separately downloaded hundreds of megabytes of hardcore terror propaganda videos from the web, including the wills of Sept. 11 hijackers and the July 7 London suicide bombers, and instructional materials on how to build improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and carry out sniper attacks -- and they knew all about radical Yemeni-American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki and his online lecture series "Constants on the Path of Jihad."

In "Constants," al Awlaki argues, "Jihad does not depend on any particular land. It is global. ... No borders or barriers stop it." He continues, "If a particular people or nation is classified as ... ‘the people of war' in the Shariah, that classification applies to them all over the earth. Islam cannot be customized to suit the conditions where you are, for instance Europe."

Read the rest here.


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