
Focusing on the Islamic roots of the suspected shooter could "heighten the backlash" against all Muslims in the military.

Alleged shooter tied to mosque of 9/11 hijackers - Tragedy at Fort Hood- msnbc.com

I have a problem with this. Why
should I or we, as a nation care
about Islamic backlash in or out
of the Military? How many other
ideologoies or religious fanatics
have done the following: Flew
airliners into buildings(9/11),
Attacked our Navy(USS. Cole),
Blew up the Marine barracks in
1993, attacked a military center
for recruitment, attacked and killed
innocent people in the name of a
cult like Islam(Beltway sniper) and
the list goes on and on. Have Jews,
Christians, Hindus, Buddhists done
even any remotely similar attacks
against the United States here at
home or abroad? When certain
followers of a given 'religion' are
almost ALWAYS the one attacking
us in one way or another, it makes
many of us untrusting and suspicious
of them. Them, in this case is Islam
and those who follow it. They do not
need our sympathy, our dollars or our
welfare programs. We, as a nation to
must do whatever we can to keep this
or any attacks from Islam, from taking
place again.

Once again, the MSM is white washing
the problems that always come with
Islam. The country, time or place does
not matter. In Europe, England, Canada
and here the problem is the same, Islam.
He is not the "alleged" shooter. He is the
shooter and he is a killer.


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