
Delusions of Granduer from Bill Clinton.

'We would've had peace within 3 years' Jerusalem Post

No, there would not have been
peace within three years if Rabin
had not been murdered? Clinton
states that divorce between the
Israelis and Palestinians is not possible?
It most certainly is and Israel would have
been much better served if they had cut
off all ties, relationships with the arab
squatters of gazastan. The Palestinians;
the people nobody wants, including all of
their arab neighbors. It is obviously more
useful to the arabs to leave the Palestinians
where they are as a constant source of
problems for Israel.

There has been NO nation that has been
forced to return the spoils of war(wars NOT
started by the Jews), give up so much for
absolutely nothing in return. Gilead Shalit
for example, is still being held a prisoner.
Yet Israel has released how many hundreds
of palestinian criminals and terrorists in an
effort to win Gilead's freedom. All for naught. 


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