
American Thinker: If we sacrifice Jerusalem, why defend London?

American Thinker: If we sacrifice Jerusalem, why defend London?
by James Lewis

It is quite popular to bash not
only Israel, but the United States.
What many people around the world
forget is that without us, the United
States, the world would be in much
worse shape than it is now. Obama
is doing his best to wreck our image
abroad like another horrible president
we had, Jimmy 'the dhimmi' Carter.

We could be so lucky to have Bush doing this for Obama.

Mr. Lewis give a run down of what might
happen should the United States become
what the Obama administration wants us
to become, a global pansy. A country that
will not stand up for itself as it has in the
past, or come to our allies aid when urgently

This is what our allies can expect, nothing but
lies, appeasing our enemies and becoming weak
in the eyes of the world.

Tags: Appeasement, Cowardice, Foreign Policy, Obama To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

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